The best part of New Tech. For those who don’t know what Flex Fridays are, it is the Friday of every 5-day week with a variety of sessions for the students to choose from and essentially create their own schedule. The sessions are held by students and facilitators and the purpose of these days is to promote community engagement and student body bonding.

Some of the most popular sessions would be the senior vs facilitator games, educational guest speakers, and various field trips.
Some of the sessions might be instructional sessions (red/orange), which are more like extra tutoring sessions for any students who need them to make up assignments, tutoring, or extra work in general. Other sessions would be more fun sessions (green), like various sports such as baseball, cricket, basketball, and volleyball, among others. There is also a category for special events that week, such as guest speakers and field trips (purple).
Various classes that you take might require you to attend a specific session that week for special events such as field trips or guest speakers tailored to that class’s current unit or path of work.
Our AP Human Geography and Honors World Geography facilitator, Ms. Boyd, often utilizes guest speakers to help her students learn. I asked her how she gets these guest speakers so often:
“Coppell ISD has a partnership with The Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum. As a participating school, we are allotted guest speakers for specific events. I requested a guest speaker for Holocaust Remembrance Week, for the last week of January, and for Black History Month, which is February.”
In conclusion, Flex Fridays are one of the best and most unique parts of New Tech’s culture, and life at the campus would not be the same without them.