Everyone nostalgically reminisces about their first FUZE show, with students ranking everything from cereal to Pokemon, having epic lightsaber battles, recreating random scenes from movies, and giving teachers haircuts. On the surface, the compilation of stories and anecdotes in your monthly FUZE show may seem like all fun and games, but it goes beyond the New Tech’s odd customs for a few. Some say, for a FUZE.
These special individuals see the FUZE show as not only a source of entertainment but also an inspiration for what could be accomplished with a few cameras and a small group of friends. These individuals are… FUZE I. These ambitious sophomores hope to one day create high-quality content and lifelong memories just like their predecessors. As I walked into the dimly lit FUZE room, I was eagerly greeted by a group of excited FUZE members. When asked what they wanted to do for the FUZE show, one of the members, Yashvi Jain (10th Grade) stated that she wanted to mold the show to “capture the environment at New Tech and how it’s impacted my life through videos that show how vibrant the student body is.

To achieve this, she suggested “a sports feature, since there are not many sports in FUZE. We can feature cricket, baseball, soccer, and clubs. These clubs usually happen on flex, so we can record them playing, interview them on how it feels to play for fun, their struggles…” Others, like Sam Foster, prefer making “short films with lots of camera angles…,” and is especially excited about “writing stories from interesting dreams I’ve had.” What these dreams contain can only be left to speculation.
“Interesting dreams I’ve had” would make a great FUZE show. However, it’ll take a year of hard work for it to be featured on the FUZE takeover show. Fortunately, they have tons of passion, from experience making and editing travel videos to middle school media and filmmaking classes, all of which shine through in their first-ever project: a montage.
The project, about visual beauty, is about capturing a feeling you want the viewer to perceive with a video and monologue. Yashvi’s group wants the audience to feel pity and sympathize with the character in the video: a person who misses the bus gets a bad grade and is having a bad day overall.

Others take a more lighthearted approach. Sam Foster and their group decided to make a fight scene between Perry the Platypus and Dr. Doofenshmirtz with the Perry the Platypus theme song playing in the background.
In short, the combined passion, dedication, and creativity of the new FUZE teams will surely shine through, not only in the upcoming FUZE takeover in the spring but also in FUZE shows for generations to come.