In a landmark meeting, the Coppell ISD Board of Trustees has recently decided against consolidating New Tech High School @ Coppell and Austin Elementary, instead considering alternate strategies to respond to the school district’s possible deficit within their fund balance.
At the board meeting on September 16th, over 85 speakers showed up to share their opinions on the board’s deliberations to consolidate multiple campuses, including Austin Elementary, New Tech High @ Coppell, Wilson Elementary and its Dual Language Program, and Pinkerton Elementary. Many argued that the consolidation of their respective schools would cause issues for students, resulting in disruptions in tight-knit school communities, culture, and unique academic programs, and loss of walkability.
On behalf of New Tech, both students and parents spoke out, citing their school’s honors project-based learning and strong, supportive culture as reasons against campus consolidation.

“(New Tech) has taught my two girls perseverance, confidence…that they are part of a team and that they can make a difference”, one parent said. “PBL teaches them actual life skills.”
During the board workshop afterward, CISD Trustees discussed information regarding the reduction of district expenditures to avoid future fund balance deficits and keep CISD credit ratings high. Other topics discussed were current CISD class sizes causing possible empty seats and the future of the Dual Language Immersion program/International Baccalaureate Program serving elementary-aged students. Board members further described the reluctance of state legislators to cooperate in affording them more budget as a major issue.
“This is not one school. Most of the bills hardly cover the issues of public education”, said Manish Rathi (CISD Trustee). “We have to get the legislators who support public education together. Public schools are the real thing that brings the community together.”
Eventually, after much deliberation, New Tech High School @ Coppell and Austin Elementary were both removed from the consolidation options list. To combat the low enrollment and small classes at the school, New Tech has been placed along a three-year plan of growth to increase efficiency and boost student numbers and achievement. Board members showed strong support for New Tech, and promised to assist the school, headed by Principal Porter in its path towards improvement.
The remaining consolidation options are Wilson Elementary and its DLI program, Pinkerton Elementary, and the leveling of pre-K classes across the district. Although another board meeting was recently held at CHS this Wednesday, the final decision will likely not be made until the final board meeting on September 30th at 5 PM. Until then, students, facilitators, and parents wait anxiously for results.