The Art Bike Parade is a major community bonding event combining art and connection during NTH@C’s Spring Fling. This event was organized and administered by Hope Squad, who encouraged everyone to participate. To sign up, a facilitator has to register on behalf of a club or organization.

I interviewed Jada McCray, a member of the Art Bike Parade Hope Squad Committee:
What is the Art Bike Parade?
Jada: The New Tech High @ Coppell Art Bike Parade is a community bonding event combining art and connection. The Art Bike allows us to build community by decorating an art bike together. It is a community-wide event where everyone is welcome to participate. The byline is “Where Flowers Bloom, So Does Hope.”
How did you guys think of starting an Art Bike Parade at New Tech?
Jada: Ms. Bence saw an Art Bike parade hosted by Orange Show in Houston, TX. She was inspired and mentioned the parade to the Hope Squad Art Bike Committee (Carmel Canete, Adam Delgado, and Jada McCray). We adapted the parade to fit our New Tech and Coppell community. Our main goal is to give the people of Coppell a fun time by showing off New Tech’s creativity to the community.
Why did you decide to do it during Spring Fling?
Jada: We are hosting the event during Spring Fling due to having similar themes and timelines.”
FTC won the Art Bike Parade with their “E.T. on a bicycle”, recreating the characteristic scene from the movie E.T., where E.T. jumps in front of the moon in a bicycle basket while covered by a white cloth as a disguise (pictured below):

FTC’s take on this scene was a robot E.T., with legs and arms made out of excess metal parts to form a skeletal structure. They put cowboy boots on the robot, a stuffed E.T. head, and a knitted cover to replicate the movie, which led them to victory.
A huge thank you to everyone who attended and participated in both the Art Bike Parade and Spring Fling!